JYTOP Bioresonance Health Scan and Therapy Metatron Hunter Dolma 4025 NLS
HUNTER 4025 It is a new machine within the NLS. Some of the functions performed are: organopreparations, biochemical homeostasis, pathomorphology, microorganisms and parasites, allergens, allopathy, food products (nutriceutics), phytotherapy, choosing of homeopathic preparations’ potencies, lithotherapy. It is available in several languages: english, spanish, German, Russian, chinese, Polish, Italian, french, Turkey, serbia, Crotia.
Una máquina muy superior a la 17D desde su veracidad que supera el 96% hasta el poder exclusivo de análisis así como la profundidad conque puede analizar un problema en un determinado paciente. Abarca muchas más funciones con un software completamente distinto y en varios idiomas incluyendo el español lo cual no pudimos lograr en la 17D. Aprovecha este lanzamiento por tiempo limitado.
The Metapathia-GR Hunter software can operate only with the telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing apparatus “Metatron” and its subsequent modifications. The telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing device is compatible with the IBM-type PCs and intended for studying reaction of a biological object to different types of the informational impact.
Phenomenal 18D NLS ...
Evaluate each of the structures of the human body, organs and tissues.
Identify pathologies and alterations that can occur from 3 to 5 years.
Fast and Efficient ...
It takes less than 30 minutes to scan, analyze and heal.
Diagnose, elaborate medications, give treatments and test supplements.
Revolutionary equipment ...
Ideal to diagnose, treat and create personalized medications.
Fast when it comes to scanning ...
2 to 3 seconds only delay in scanning an organ analyzed.
Multidimensional analysis ...
It allows to examine hereditary diseases as well as the reason why they appear and more.
Long time of use
You can be working with the 12 to 24 hours without interrupting.

- Internal generator frequency 4.9 HGz.
- Windows operating system (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) No MAC.
- Average time of seconds of the scan is 2 seconds.
- Number of computer graphic model of organs and tissues is 1432 pcs.
- Number of digitized spectral etalons of preparations and processes is 4012 pcs.
- Organopreparados.
- Biochemical homeostasis.
- Patomorphology.
- Microorganisms and parasites.
- Allergens.
- Allopathy.
- Food products (nutriceutical).
- Phytotherapy.
- Choice of powers of homeopathic preparations.
- Lithotherapy
- Preparation of meta-therapy.
- Making phytotherapy.
- Making lithotherapy.
- Quantum entropy analysis.
- NLS analysis, comparative analysis.
- Smart filter.
- Ultrastructure.
- Bacterial research.
- Identification of border nidus.
The Hunter 4025 with 18D software is a non-invasive diagnostic device for performing physical exams, also giving treatment and preparing medications. It exploits the resonance of light waves to scan and detect the functional state of chromosomes, DNA helices and also molecules. It also provides non-invasive or painful treatment. It is a very complete team that adds the functions of the old 3D, the 7D, the 9D, the 15D, the 17D and expanded and improved even more to become the 18D.

It performs advanced genetic analyzes and detects possible tumors, in addition it evaluates the different oncological pathological levels in the human body. It is also capable of detecting fractures and treating them, dermatological situations as well as the arrest of diseases caused by age degeneration.
It uses a very friendly interface as well as a powerful advance algorithm that takes into account the multidimensional virtual scanning which locates possible existing tumors, hereditary diseases and is able to reveal the reason for its appearance at the genome level, showing hundreds of new virtual images for your greater understanding.
Nonlinear systems are inspired by the discoveries and ideas of Theodore Van Hoven, who discovers the theory of the logic of quantum entropy, summarizing scientifically “The exchange of information between systems is carried out at a distance in an associative and selective manner, non-linear thanks to the appropriate amount of electromagnetic radiation, which has the adequate energy to destabilize the links of the elemental structure of the system. All this is based on the development of Russian technology and the need to perform high-level non-invasive treatments in the human body.
We will say that it is one of the most up-to-date scientific advances in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and is based on the scientific evidence that every organism and tissue has its own electromagnetic frequency, and it is possible to evaluate it through the exchange of information between non-linear systems. The intensity of the exchange of information means that it is possible to establish a connection and frequency exchange with any living tissue through its electromagnetic frequency.
And finally we call this to detect the levels of entropy, that is, the micro-states present within a macro system that give it shape.
Living organisms, including organs and tissues, emit a frequency and each one has its own electric vibration, and if any of these frequencies is altered and remains that way, a disease ensues.

Chromosome analysis

Phytotherapy analysis


Mammary gland
You can also work with:
- Due to its intuitive user interface, it is able to reveal oncological diseases on time.
- It is the NLS of greater speed with its new algorithms that at the same time allows a greater certainty in the analysis of the human body.
- Performs three-dimensional scanning with the possibility of finding areas where you are or may develop a tumor.
- It also detects hereditary diseases, can analyze DNA as well as histological, cytological and chromosome sets by delving into the DNA helix. It also analyzes the genome level.
- It reveals real changes in the tissues in a macro way and is able to investigate the histological sections in a meticulous way.
- The technician can carry out the investigation of multivariate topological images and metastasis in other organs, if the user places automatic mode and can interrupt his evaluation at any time without suffering damages.
- New high performance continuous scanning system (metatrons) which gives a high diagnostic reliability.
- Spectrum of minerals and gems allows to select according to the patient treated by biocompatibility, a certain stone to apply therapy, healing or treatment by mineral radio spectrum.
- It evaluates the tissues and microstructures of microbial agents, viruses, helminths, rickekttsia, toxoplasmas, traces as well as potent homeopathic medicines.
- It has a function called Smart Filter which allows applying to a quick treatment with the patient, using the electromagnetic waves present in the tissues.
- It contains a wide database of medical products, food supplements and homeopathic remedies, which can be recommended to patients according to the pathology presented.
- You can see at what stage the disorder is and if the process is acute or chronic.
- It is also possible to determine how the disorder will develop in the future, this would allow to discover if a therapy is adequate or if the body can heal the problem by itself.
- Tune the electromagnetic frequency corresponding to each tissue and organ without human intervention.
- It detects and corrects pathological defects in the organs and cells of the body through the healthy magnetic oscillations recorded in the central memory of the equipment, and therefore the body responds to the external emission of frequencies.
- Visual diagnoses can be provided at the moment, patients can see live the location and exact functioning of their organs, which in our experience makes them feel more secure and relaxed with their treatment.
- Evaluates organs with 97% accuracy which allows the trainer and the patient to focus on correct treatment.
- Any influence of chemical substance, medication or biologic substance on the patient can be analyzed at once.
- The risk stage of the disease is determined in 4025.
- He is able to perform multivariate analyzes of systemic and organ homeostasis.
- He is able to perform hormone blood tests without pain.
- Evaluate acupuncture meridians.
- It also measures the body’s electric field that is the AURA.
- It recognizes intestinal parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses and microplasmas.
- It gives complementary therapies of alternative medicine, such as natural elements, stones, effects of the astrological movement on the tissues, as well as points of Meriadians.
- Identifies allergens and their causes as well as alkaline balance in tissues.
- Provides nutritional advice considering blood group (characteristic of Chinese medicine).
- Biochemical analysis of blood.
- Analyze the micro flora of the organism that includes parasites, bacteria and fungi.
- Analyzes drug tests, nutrition monitoring, phytotherapy, homeopathic samples, ointments, creams and materials with respect to their tolerance.
- It is capable of elaborating dedicated and specialized medications for each patient.

The purpose of the NLS is to provide information on the state of the patient’s health using computers and special programs. Data about body tissues, cells, chromosomes and even hormones are transmitted in real time, and is instantly deciphered in the form of a specific diagnosis offering recommendations for the treatment that should be applied at the time. After the diagnosis is made, the client can be treated with the metatherapy function (electromagnetic waves), phytotherapy and crystal therapy, as well as acupuncture, DNA helix, chromosome, nucleus, cell, tissue therapy, to the entire organ by what is very effective and successful. It is able to measure the effectiveness of remedies such as food supplements, homeopathic remedies and others. Through this function you can find the most efficient remedy for the client, identifying which therapeutic remedy works best and which components enhance it. With regard to the development of medicines or remedies the Hunter 4025 has its database with a large register of medicines to be applied according to the pathology that the patient presents and through its test cup the drugs can be elaborated with either alcoholic water, in sugar globules, in distilled water, in paraffin, by direct therapy to the patient or by conversion into frequencies of an existing remedy.

How the 18D NLS works
Our NLS function through the membrane found in the eardrum and the use of quantum resonance techniques to probe the tissue-specific organs of the human body. The resonance of the electromagnetic waves and the feedback to the computer are compared with a huge database, which allows evaluating the organ and detecting its presenting problems or not, as well as foreseeing its evolution from 3 to 5 years. The database was established by Russian scientists during space research with astronauts, led by 35 years of research with samples of people of different sexes, different ages, different races, different diseases and clinical data.

Analysis and testing cup
In this cup it is placed that the specialist wishes to prescribe and the team is able to translate it in the form of frequencies and test and evaluate if that medicine will be able to improve or not the patient before prescribing or ingesting it.
How do you perform the analysis
All information about the state of your body is delivered to the brain and the sensors used by the 18D NLS are special shots that have a headset form to connect to it to obtain such information. That information that is received is processed by an automated software that is the 18D itself with the facility to obtain that data, decodes it and manages to create on the screen three-dimensional models very similar to organs, tissues and cells from 90 to 97 % accuracy

Diagnostic levels
- Graphic diagnosis.
- Metabolic diagnosis.
- Optical distribution index.
- Etalons according to I.S.E.
- Nuclei of sensitivity and systemic hyperreactivity.
- Diagnosis ex juvantibus.
- Trend adjustments.
- Entropy analysis system.
- Analysis system by multifactorial.
- Model of etalon-object.
- Diagnosis by vegetative teas.
- Presence of antigens.
- Multidimensional analysis (Three-dimensional).
- Bioelectromagnetic analysis.

- By meta therapy.
- By direct frequency therapy.
- By NLS technology (non-linear system).
- By frequency inversion.
- By electronic processing of remedies.
- Through the remedies database.
- By direct therapy to the patient.
- Any mother tincture.
- Any homeopathic medicine.
- Any allopathic medication.
- Any medicinal plant.
- Any personal formula
Food. - Nutraceuticals and parapharmaceuticals.
- In water alcohol.
- In sugar globules.
- In distilled water.
- In paraffin.
- By direct therapy to the patient.
- By frequency conversion of an existing remedy.

- Diagnose through scanner by means of the eardrum to probe the body by means of resonance of magnetic waves.
- Diagnoses diseases with preventive character.
- Analyze all the organs of the body and see duck morphology, nosological forms and analysis of microorganisms,
- iochemical homeostasis and more.
- Detects accumulations from early hours that generate diseases in the future.
- Detects conditions and problems or pathologies that still have no symptoms.
- Detects localized infections in tissues and organs no matter where the body is
- Analyze chromosomes
- Analyze problems that may be accumulated in the bones.
- Apply treatment to any alteration in organs with visible changes and improvements.
- Applies treatment by electromagnetic waves NLS.
- Analyze 12 body systems, organs, glands and more than 4000 diseases.
- Provides information on phytotherapy, homeopathy, foods that are biomagnetically compatible with the person and much more.
- Visualize the improvements in an organ in the same view or from one view to another.
- Treat diseases from the energy body and the physical body.
- Measure in your test cup which medicines, allopathic, phytotherapeutical, homeopathic and herbs or foods are compatible and help the patient to heal.
- It is easy to transport and is safe in your case.
- It is intuitive and easy to use.
- Works with any Windows, not MAC.
- They can replace their parts and components which will make it much more durable.
- Analyze more than 250 organs in 3D with graph of the degree of alteration of the gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, urinary and reproductive system. You can make a study of the mammary glands, cardiovascular system, hematopoietic blood system, lymphatic system with mediastinal lymphatic vessels, endocrine system, the nervous system (including spinal cord and brain), also the somato sensory system (which are the ears, eyes, hair, nails), also the osteo muscular system and the chromosomes, all of them represented in colors for identification.
The Metapathia-GR Hunter software can operate only with the telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing apparatus “Metatron” and its subsequent modifications. The telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing device is compatible with the IBM-type PCs and intended for studying reaction of a biological object to different types of the informational impact. “Metatron” allows correlating the measurement process with the process affecting it and performs the following.
1) It measures J (0) which mirrors the change of the describing parameter, and the entropic potential relative to its initial value;
2) It transforms continuous signal J (0) with the preset intervals of frequencies into a histogram (a row of numerical values of scanned frequencies with serial numbers from 1.8 to 8.2 Hz.);
3) It sends the current W values to PC and displays the graph on the monitor simultaneously with its impact on the examinee.
4) It accumulates the W value in its memory unit, if observing the histogram is more convenient upon completion of the measurements;
5) It issues the scale-correlated commands required for regulating the effect on the examinee at testing;
6) It transmits the W values from the unit into PC memory upon completion of the measurements and saves them in unit memory of prior to the beginning of recording data of the next measurements.
The apparatus is intended to register psychophysics changes in system and allows to:
– Get qualitative estimation of functional condition in a form of topical analysis.
– Control effectiveness and results of different ways of treatment.
– Analyze dynamics of functional condition changes over period of time.
– Determine initial nidus of functional breach.
– Estimate character of changes using expert systems.
– Estimate basic characteristics of bio-system homeostasis.
The information on a particular temporary condition of a biological object is read contactlessly with the help of a digital trigger sensor, which was developed using modern information technologies and micro circuitry catching tiny fluctuations of the signals, evolved out of average statistical noise characteristics of the fields, and converted into a digital sequence, processed with the help of a microprocessor for transmitting it via interface cable to the computer.
The minimum requirements that a compatible computer must have are:
Operating system: Windows 7 ultimate or Windows 10 Pro;
Processor: at least 2.5 GHz Intel
Random access memory RAM: 4 GB;
Video card: SVGA High Color 1024x768 at least 8 Mb;
Printer (color);
At least 250 GB of free space on the hard drive;
Two USB ports;
Uninterruptible power supply
Main machine*1pc
Headphone Sensor*1pc
Blue USB cable*1pc
High quality Black connecting Cable *2 pcs
Testing Cup*1 pc
USB doogle for software*1 pc
DVD software*1 pc
Aluminum box *1 pc